
Tuesday, August 5, 2014


The girls joined me on my morning walk today and rather than taking the typical picture of them holding hands while we were walking I thought it would be fun to snap one of our shadows. This one was by far our favorite. Seeing our three shadows together made me wish that Dave had been with us on our walk too. Oh, how great it would be to have all four of our shadows in this picture!  It also made me remember another post I shared about shadows a few years ago (it's wild to look back and see how little they were in that post)! There really is something magical about shadows, isn't there? xo


  1. I love taking shadow pictures. This is an awesome one Shel. Hope you are well my friend. xo

  2. So sweet!! We went out for dinner before we went to the children's museum. Made me wish my husband was with us. Hope you had a great day!
