
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Slip Slidin' Away!

 Something about seeing my girls signing cards and addressing envelopes (even if I did have to spell things for them) got me all choked up. Such a grown up girl thing to do. 
 Let the fun begin!
 Got her! Now, if only you could see the stream of water in this picture. 
 A brief pause in play to sing "Happy Birthday" and eat ice cream!
 Right back to the Slip-N-Slide they go!
 She's flying!
 One going up, one coming down. 
We all had such a great time at the party today! The only thing that could have made this day any better would have been if it had been slightly warmer (not that this stopped the kids, mind you)! Thanks for another fun filled celebration, dear friends! We are honored to be a part of such a special day! xo


  1. Now that looks like fun! And those smiling faces say it all. xo

    1. So much fun! We always have the best time with these friends! xo

  2. Looks like SUCH a fun time! I remember slip and slide from when I was a kid. May have to find a hill and tarp for my kiddos before the summer is over!
