
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

This Morning

Late this morning we headed out on a walk to pick up the car from the mechanic. Dave had dropped it off yesterday, and since it was going to be a nice day today we said we'd happily walk to pick it up whenever it was ready. As we were working on lessons this morning we got the call that the car was all set. We finished up what we were doing and set out on our adventure. The sky was blue, the colors on the trees were amazing and there were many, many treasures found along the way. We had a wonderful time walking and talking and seeing things that we don't normally get to see when we drive by. It was a glorious day for a walk, and while it's crazy how much the car cost to fix the memories that were made during that walk are truly priceless. xo


  1. I just love picking up leaves... Got myself a nice colorful bunch today as well. Glad you could enjoy a lovely warm fall day walk together. xo

  2. Beautiful Shel. Sorry about the car, never fun :(

  3. The leaves are beautiful! We like bringing a little basket along with us when we go outside nowadays to pick up little treasures. How fortunate that you live somewhere where you can walk to pick things up (like the car!) That is one of my biggest dreams now- to move to a walkable place. x

  4. Both mine and my husband's car each had brake trouble this last week. Thankfully, he knows how to replace them himself otherwise it would've been horrible having to spend money that's just not in our budget right now. My friend is an astrologer, , and she has truly made me believe in things that I didn't really know much about to do with astrology. Right now, Mercury is in retrograde and this effects things like electronics and machinery. You're the fourth person that I've heard about that has had car trouble this week. Very interesting!! : )

    ~ Wendy
