
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A Visit With My Dad

We were blessed with a last minute visit with my Dad today. He has a job up in New Hampshire tomorrow and decided that rather than do all the travel in one day he'd come up early and spend some time with us. Grace and Emma's yoga class this afternoon meant that my Daddy and I would have the chance to visit- just the two of us. What a treat! We dropped the girls off and headed to Starbucks where a mint hot chocolate and a coffee were purchased (along with two treats), a spot was found and this gorgeous picture of my Dad was taken. We don't remember the last time it was just the two of us, but we surely enjoyed every moment of it! Thanks Daddy for coming up to visit and for a lovely afternoon at Starbucks. It is a day I shall cherish forever and always. xo


  1. Oh Shel, how wonderful! To have that time with your dad, to sit and chat and just enjoy being together, definitely something to cherish.

    Hope you are feeling better my friend. xo

    1. It was such a gift to have that time with my Dad! Definitely a nice distraction from feeling sick. I am tarting to feel a wee bit better. My hope is to wake up tomorrow feeling all better. Elderberry, Vitamin C and Echanasia have all been in play this week (as always). I do think they've helped but I hope their magic makes it all go away soon! Hope you've had a lovely week! xo

  2. How wonderful, Shel!! I can't remember the last time I did anything with my Dad just the two of us- it's been years and years. I am so glad you were able to do that and have such a great time. Your dad looks lovely.

    1. Same here, my friend! My hope is that we can do this again sooner rather than later and definitely more often. Such a treat! And I just adore how this picture of him came out. Captured his sweet spirit so perfectly though he does look like he should be in a pub rather than a Starbucks and that he should have a flock of sheep in tow as well)! xo

  3. What a wonderful treat for both of you--- in more ways than one! :)
