
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Dear Grace And Emma

Dear Grace and Emma,
I know that I ask you all the time to "stop the growing" but I'm pretty sure I watched you grow right before my very eyes today as you skied off together to get on the chairlift. It's amazing how fast these years have flown by, and how each day seems to pass faster than the one before it. It feels like just yesterday that we were awaiting your arrivals and here you are now eight-and-a-half and almost seven years old. It just doesn't seem possible. Your papa and I are so very proud of who you are and how you've grown, but we'd really like it if time would slow down just a wee bit as it's passing far too quickly for us.

As I watched you two get on the chairlift and head up into the sky until I couldn't see you anymore I realized that there will come a day (sooner than I'd like) where it will be for much longer than just 15 minutes that you are gone from my sight. I was so very proud of my two chicks venturing away from their beloved mama hen with such confidence and excitement today- clearly looking forward to seeing the world from up above, and to the adventures that awaited you on the journey back down. Each time you arrived at the bottom you'd wave to me as if we hadn't seen each other in months, and then back up you two would immediately go to see what the next adventure would hold.

Please know that no matter what life throws at you, where life takes you or what adventures you go on that I will always be waiting at the base of the mountain ready to wave and welcome you home.

I love you both to the moon and stars and back. 


  1. Replies
    1. You and me both! It's not often that I cry while blogging but I surely did with this one!

  2. Beautiful Shel. Such bittersweet moments. xo

    1. Thanks, Kim. I completely agree- bittersweet is right! I wasn't sure how this post would turn out till I sat down to write it and needless to say the words (and the tears) just started flowing. xo

  3. Oh wow - such grown up girls - and so lovely to see how much confidence they have in their skiing!

    1. It's amazing the difference in them between last year and this year! Their skiing is that of older kids for sure! xo

  4. So beautiful, Shel! It's probably knowing you are always waiting for them that gives them the courage to go. xx

  5. Such beautiful words, Shel. My 22 year old son left for college yesterday. I won't see him for two months. I hate it. I keep telling myself "Roots and Wings." In the blink of an eye they're spreading their wings. We know it's what's best for them but it's certainly not easy. : (

    ~ Wendy

    1. Oh my gosh, Wendy, I cannot even imagine what that must be like! I feel like the way these days/months/years keep flying by that they'll be headed off like that before long. Hugs to you, mama! xo

  6. Love this post, my favorite so far. Stumbled upon your blog when looking at photos of your girls and all the snow you've gotten. Love all the hands on learning happening!

    1. Thanks, Sayer! It's one of my most favorite (if not *most* favorite) posts too. I have to admit that it was a much more emotional post to write than I had expected it to be and even now still gets me choked up when I read its words. I hope you'll check in with us often! We'd love to have you along on this journey with us! :) xo
