
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Our New Reader

 Around mid-December Emma decided she'd like to give reading a try. "I've lost two teeth, mama. I think it's my time." she said very matter-of-factly and then headed upstairs to get the first Dick and Jane book out of the basket in their room. She gathered us on the couch, opened the book and began to read as if she had been reading for much longer than just a moment. Ever since that day she has been practicing a little each day, asking for help from Grace, or David, or I (or any willing reader who happens to be around) should she need it. 
Today she took this show on the road and was so very proud to show Miss Barbara how much her reading has improved since we saw her last (which was about the time that Emma first started to read). She only got stuck a couple of times, but other than that she read beautifully! Miss Barbara was super impressed, and even remarked to me how much her reading has improved in such a short amount of time.

We have always told the girls that when it is their time to do things (be it swimming or reading or riding a bike) that they would know it in their soul, and that when the time is right they would do it and do it well. This has always held true for our girls, and as a result they have always found much success in whatever the new skill is whose time has come to be learned. Push them before they are truly ready and there is nothing but struggle. Wait until the time is right and success comes with ease. xo


  1. You know how much I agree with you last sentence my friend :) It is about meeting them where they are, and not where we think they should be.

    I am so excited for Emma, such a big step and a huge accomplishment. Give her a great big hug from Reece and I. xo

    1. I knew you'd love this entire post but especially that last line! :) Will surely pass on a hug from you both to her! :) xo

  2. How absolutely fantastic! I totally agree- children know when the time is right for them and it makes them want to do various things and not just feel obligated into it. Congratulations, Emma!! Welcome to the wonderful world of reading!

    1. Thanks friend! I surely pass on your sweet words to Miss Emma! :) xo

  3. Thanks, Rose! Its been such a blessing to let it all unfold as it should! She has been waiting for this moment to come and I am so glad it finally arrived for her! :) xo
