
Saturday, February 21, 2015


Today we spent the day celebrating our sweet Emma Faith and her seventh trip around the sun! How is it possible that our youngest daughter is seven years old?! It seems like just yesterday that she was born, and here we are celebrating her seventh birthday today. Each year really does pass more quickly than the one before it (or at least it seems that way). From the moment she woke up this morning until the moment she went to bed this evening she didn't stop smiling. "Mama, I love being seven!" was declared several times today!

Thank you, darling girl, for the laughter, joy, wonder, helpfulness and love that you bring to our days and to our world. We cannot wait to see what this next trip around the sun has in store for you. May this next year be full of all that you love best! We love you to the moon and stars and back! xo


  1. Happy birthday Emma!!! Looks like a wonderful day. You guys will love the Seven Year Wonder book, we have read it once and little man loved it. It will make its way around to be read again soon :)

    Wishing Emma a wonderful next trip around the sun. xo

    1. Thanks, Kim! It was an absolutely perfect way to celebrate her seventh trip around the sun! We are loving the Wonder Book! Wish we had it when Grace turned seven!

      And many thanks for the sweet card and gift that Reece sent for Emma! It's just perfect! xo

  2. Looks like a wonderful day and fantastic 1st friend party!! So happy she was happy. xx

    1. Thanks, Patricia! It was absolutely perfect! xo

  3. Thanks, Rose!

    We are loving the Wonder Book so far! Wish we had it when Grace turned seven! xo
