
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

May the road rise to meet you, 
May the wind be always at your back, 
May the sun shine warm upon your face, 
The rains fall soft upon your fields, 
And, until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of his hand. 
-Traditional Irish Blessing

Whether you're Irish or not we hope that your Saint Patrick's day is full of blessings! xo


  1. We were given a little print of that blessing as a wedding present- it's so lovely and we've always had it hanging in our home together. Happy St Patrick's day to you too:)

    1. That sweet little print came along with our Saint Patrick! It was the first time I had ever read that one but I just loved it from the very first moment! Such a sweet one! I hope you had a lovely Saint Patrick's Day! xo
