
Monday, March 9, 2015

Multiplication Facts. Waldorf Style.

Last week we dove back into some multiplication. This time using a couple of techniques that I had not experienced before- multiplication "clocks" and multiplication circles. 
We started by turning each times table into it's own "clock". The center number indicates which times table it is, the numbers in the "ring" around the center number are what it's being multiplied by, and the numbers in the final "ring" are the answer. It was a very interesting way to practice each times table. We also assigned each times table it's own color (which is more clearly seen in the chart below). 
After each clock was made Grace then filled out the standard issue multiplication chart. Using a different color for each times table not only made the chart very pretty, but it also allowed her to more easily see the various patterns that are present when multiplication facts are presented in this format.
At the end of last week we were introduced to these fancy multiplication circles. I have to be honest and admit that I didn't "get" this approach until I watched a YouTube video on it. Once I could see it in action it definitely made much more sense to me. 
I'm still not sure how I feel about these though Grace really took quite a liking to them (and their lovely designs).
 Oh, how I wish these colorful and creative ways were the way that I learned my multiplication facts all those years ago! xo


  1. Love this Shel...such a fun way to learn :)

    1. It really is, Kim! And with the way these years keep flying it will be you and Reece and multiplication soon enough! :) xo

  2. I saw that video for the first time a couple of weeks ago and I love the idea about learning through circles and stars - it would definitely have helped me because I learn visually and I've got it tucked away for the right moment with my little ones!

    1. Such a neat way to learn these facts isn't it?! I so wish this was the way it was taught to me too! I really think it would have made a world of difference! xo

  3. Oh Shel this is SO awesome. We are currently working on "common core" multiplication that reduces both of us to tears each night (mostly me- I HATE the way they are teaching math.) And yes, I say each night because my 3rd grader has a minimum of 30 minutes homework each night. Thank you for the youtube link- I am going to watch it now and when A gets home, we are doing Waldorf multiplication- I don't even care anymore. As long as she learns it, and she isn't reduced to the level of stress she is at right now, then what difference does it make? Don't even get me started on how they are teaching fractions. :(

    1. Oh friend, many hugs to you and Alice for having to endure Common Core! It makes me sad to hear the stories from you and my other friends who have little ones in the public school world! I so wish America would take a cue from European countries (like Finland) instead of continuously making crazy decissions that just make the system even more broken. (((hugs))) xo

    2. Thank you- we are just enduring (that's the right word) for a few more months and then, as you know, we will be home schooling next year. Poor Mary has one more year of high school common core to take since she wants to finish out her high school year's at public school.

    3. You're welcome, dear friend! I am so sorry that ya'll have had to go through all that you have this year though I imagine it just serves to confirm what you already know in your hearts: that you are ready to walk down a different path that's a better fit for your family. That's surely what Grace in preschool was for us (a confirmation of what we already knew). I have no doubt that y'all are going to take to homeschooling like a duck takes to water! :) xo
