
Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Morning Of Math

Today, the girls decided that solving math problems was how they wanted to spend their morning. They gathered their clipboards ('cause really everything's more fun with a pink clipboard), paper, pencils and their counting jewels and off they went. They spent a good chunk of time writing their own problems and solving them, and then Grace came to me to get some help with solving double digit problems (a first for her and a total hit might I add)!

Friends, I cannot put into words how much I love this. I just love how much Grace and Emma love math (don't tell them but this was not how I felt about math when I was growing up). I love that they will just sit and do math problems because they feel the need to do them, just as much as I love when they get out the necessary supplies to create boats and submarines to explore sink and float. I've said it before and I'll say it again: this is why we do what we do, friends. This is what it's all about. xo


  1. That is just lovely. How wonderful that they are so self-driven. We use the little counting dots in our Spielgaben set or the abacus. My daughter just LOVES numbers to.
