
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

For The Love Of Sparkle Stories

If you are a Sparkle family like we are chances are that you know that the characters in the picture above are Martin and Sylvia. If you're not a Sparkle family (yet) we hope that you will take a moment to listen to a free story via their podcast and then see how quickly you fall in love with these sweet characters (and this wonderful company), too!

We've been a Sparkle family since the first podcast we ever listened to. We became a Sparkle (subscription) family in January 2014 thanks to a wonderful Christmas gift certificate from Dave's Aunt Lucia and Uncle Joe. And when our gift subscription ended we made sure that we renewed it so that we didn't miss out on any of the stories that we had come to know and love. The girls love all Sparkle Stories but the ones they love most star Martin and Sylvia (especially At Home With Martin and Sylvia). The children are just about their ages, they homeschool very much like we do (which we all think is pretty cool), and they call their parents "mama" and "daddy" just like the girls call us. There's not a day that goes by without a reference to Martin and Sylvia, what they are doing and how similar it is to what we are doing. "Mama, Martin is learning to read big books with small letters just like me!" exclaimed a very excited Grace one day. 

We are so super excited that the Sparkle Stories team has decided to create an app! A Sparkle app will be such a wonderful addition to the magical world created by David and Lisabeth. Those of us who know and love Martin and Sylvia and Mama and Daddy, The Browns, Ben Thompson, the animals in Sparkle Sleepytime and the fairies in So Many Fairies (just to name a few) have been wishing for an app for years. To have it not far off from becoming a reality is truly a dream come true!

In order to make this app happen they have launched a crowd funding campaign through Kickstarter. We hope you'll check out their Kickstarter, watch the video and then support this incredible company who works so very hard to make childhood and family life a little sweeter, a little more magical and a little more connected through their beautiful stories. xo


  1. We had a subscription a couple of years ago courtesy of my Dad but let it lapse. We really must remedy that. Thanks for the heads up about the app- will check out the Kickstarter video!

    1. Oh yes, you must remedy that! We'd truly be lost without our daily dose of Sparkle Stories! xo
