
Monday, April 20, 2015

From Start To Finish

Last Wednesday we visited the starting line (they had just finished painting it) and yesterday we visited the finish line. While it won't take the runners nearly that long to finish the marathon today were thrilled to be able to take the girls to see both locations just a few days apart from each other. I had hoped to score a better picture of the finish line but seeing how it was the day before the marathon (and a beautiful day out too) the finish line was rather crowded. And truly, for how crowded the finish line was I'm impressed we came away with this a picture this good!

To all those running today we wish you an easy 26.2. May the rain hold off until the last runner has crossed the finish line and may you all remember that you are Boston Strong! xo


  1. Fantastic!

    I've been to the Finish Line several times in the last two years (when we spent the weekend in town last September, our hotel was right around the corner). My throat catches every. single. time. (Do your girls know what happened? I haven't been able to explain it to J&A. I wouldn't even know where to begin...)

    1. Oh my gosh, I am so glad that you shared how it makes you catch you breath. That happened to me when we were there on Sunday. I just found myself totally taken back to that day two years ago and the horrible events that went with it. It was such a gorgeous day and honestly if Dave hadn't been ten days late in getting his application in to work in the medical tent he would have been there and we would have been there too. It's not lost on me that if he had been and if we had gone in to meet up with him our lives could be very different today.

      The girls know the gist. We generally don't have the news on when they are around but they've heard people talking over the last two years, and especially recently with the verdict recently reached. We simply told them that there were some very evil people who wanted to cause a lot of harm (and did) but that Boston (and MA) is stronger and tougher than they were ready for. It seems to have sufficed for them thankfully. It's so hard to know where to begin and I was glad that the right words seemed to come when they asked. xo

    2. Oh, wow - I had no idea Dave might have been there (and you, too)...

      The first time I was there was a total accident - I was in town that June and went for a walk on the Esplanade with a friend...we walked a little farther than we intended and when we headed back to get the T we came out on Boylston Street...right there. It was completely unexpected & knocked the wind out of me.

      Mine haven't really asked about it - they were so young when it happened, and we are so far away now that it's easy enough to avoid news about it. (They were in the room when I was listening to the verdict come in but they didn't really even notice.) I'm so anxious sometimes about how to explain these things to them when they do come up...I want them to believe the world is a beautiful place and that people are mostly good...I hope I'm always able to find the right words the way you were. :) xo
