
Monday, April 13, 2015

Morning, Noon And Night

Morning, noon and night...three little peeks into our day yesterday. 
Morning, 10:00am. 
Afternoon, 2:15pm. 
Night, 6:30pm.
If you would like to play along leave your link in the comments section so I may stop by for a visit. xo

"While the changing of the seasons is a slow and gradual transition, it does seem as though there is always a First Day. The First Day on which the sacle tipped and more of our time is spent out of doors than in. The First Day on which jackets are shed. The First Day on which we spy crocuses  beginning to appaer under the debris that winter left behind. The First Day on which the brave (and usually young) among us walk barefoot upon the earth-feet squishing in gooey, cold, rich mud. "My toes are breathing, Mama!" I hear from my little ones. Indeed we are breathing."- Amanda Blake Soule


  1. Looks like you had a lovely day too. This weather is just amazing, and we are soaking it all up. Enjoy my friend. xo

    1. Truly incredible! We loved every minute of Sunday and each gorgeous day that followed! xo
