
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

In Two Places At Once

They say you can't be in two places at once but we beg to differ! The girls have one foot in Marlborogh and one foot in Hudson thus proving you can in fact be in two places at once! This line between the two towns is definitely a favorite stopping spot on our walks lately. xo


  1. Hehe, we do this with the Canada/US border in Niagara Falls. Always fun :)

    1. Ooh, when we finally make it to the Falls we'll have to be sure to do that too! xo

  2. So fun! I once did this many years ago on a school trip to Niagara Falls. You used to be able to walk across the bridge between Canada and the US (I don't know if you can still do this, but this was back in the 80's.) I took a photo of one foot in the US and one foot in Canada! ;) It's the little things in life.

    1. How cool! I've never been to the Falls but hopefully when we go we can do this too! What fun! xo
