
Monday, July 6, 2015

In Celebration Of America

It's our tradition to go to Old Sturbridge Village on the 4th of July. Due to less than stellar weather, and the Village not hosting their usual fireworks display this year we decided that we'd put off our annual 4th of July visit until the next day. And while we are sad that we did not get to meet up with our friends we are so very happy to have waited as the weather was much, much better the next day!

We arrived just in time for the afternoon parade, which lead right into the reading of the Declaration of Independence. Hearing the Declaration of Independence read on the 4th of July just really brings home why it is we are celebrating in the first place! From there we went to peek at the sawmill, the gristmill and the carding mill. The girls were really captivated by the potter making inkwells, and he mentioned to them that if we were to go to the Asa Knight Store we could see some of what they make in the pottery barn there in the backroom just as people in the 1830s would have. While the girls and I went to the store, Dave went over to the cannon firing demonstration to behold them firing the new cannon (and to take some pictures). Even though the girls and I knew it was being fired it still took us by surprise! The Asa Knight storekeepers shared with us that they were not using cannon balls since they can travel up to a mile and that means there would be a really good chance that one of them would have landed on one of the highways! Could you imagine?!

Before we left we each added our names to the Declaration of Independence that was hung outside of the Center Meetinghouse. Between hearing the Declaration read when we first arrived, and getting to sign it before we left, the reason we celebrate this holiday was definitely front and center yesterday. For those who celebrate the 4th of July we hope your holiday was just as lovely and as meaningful as ours was! xo


  1. Gosh Shel, your girls are looking so grown up!!! Lovely photos my friend, it looks like you had a great day. xo

    1. Kim, isn't it crazy how much older they seem?! I keep begging them to "stop the growing!" but they just won't listen! :) Glad it's not just me that thinks they look older all of a sudden!

      It was an absolutely lovely day! I am so glad that we waited the extra day as the weather really was spectacular! xo

  2. Looks like a fun place! I'm glad you got to enjoy it, even if it was a day late. :-)

    1. It's such a fun place! If you ever find yourselves in MA you must go check out Old Sturbridge Village (and we'd be happy to meet you there)! It's just such a lovely spot!

      Waiting a day was definitely the right choice as the weather was just stellar on Sunday! xo

  3. I don't know if they canceled the reading of the Declaration of Independence on the 4th of July or not due to the rain, but we never saw it. We headed over at the time stated, but never saw anyone on the podium. We did get video of the parade though, which was lovely! It was much quieter and sunnier on Sunday, which was nice. What a strange 4th of July it was this year!!

    1. I am so, so sorry that the weather foiled our plans to meet up (and many of the events on Saturday too)! Glad you went back on Sunday so that you could see the village in all it's glory! It was so strange to us to not be there at night on the 4th for the fireworks. I so hope they hold them again next year! xo

    2. We had such a great time with the fireworks the year before, I'll be sad if they don't do it again. So sorry we missed you (as you already know) but I am glad you got to go. Heather was there at the same time as you guys though- it's a shame you didn't run into each other!! xo
