
Monday, September 21, 2015

Nature School!

 Today was the first day of Nature School for the girls! They were so super excited and couldn't wait to get there. Since it's from 9:30am-2:00pm lunches were packed (complete with a love note in each) and extra clothes were taken just in case they got messy while out exploring the woods. 
Welcome to Nature School! We love that it has the look of a one room schoolhouse. 
Each child was given a nature journal to record their findings in from their nature walks and things that they learn about the inhabitants of the forests near us.

The girls had such a truly fabulous time today and didn't stop talking the whole way home (and while we had snack) about all the fun things they did and all that they learned! They absolutely cannot wait for their next class next month (oh goodness, how they wish class was once a week)! xo


  1. Oooh, nature school sounds amazing!

    I love the journals. What a beautiful keepsake that will make.

    I wish there was something like that in my community!

    Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. You are so welcome! It was such a fabulous experience and I definitely wish we had connected with this wonderful program years ago! xo

  2. Oh how fun! I bet they are going to love their days at Nature School. xo

    1. I have a feeling you're right! I thought of you and Reece when I was signing the girls up for this! :) I hope that all is well up north, dear friend! xo

  3. Thanks Rosemarie! We wish you and your sweet family a great year too! xo
