
Monday, December 7, 2015

A Saint Nicholas Day Surprise

Yesterday afternoon, after lunch and quiet time, I gave the girls a Saint Nicholas Day surprise from their Gramma Terri and Grandpa Gene. They were so completely surprised to have a little something from them, and even more surprised to discover that this gift contained new dresses for their dolls!

These dolls, for those that don't already know, were originally part of my Grandma Ruth's very extensive doll collection. Last Christmas, when my Aunt Gail was making nightgowns for the girls, she chose two dolls from her mother's collection and created matching nightgowns for them (along with these very fancy party dresses). My mom decided to just give them the nightgowns last Christmas and hold on to the party dresses for another time. With another Christmas almost upon us, and not wanting to wait much longer, she decided to bring them to Thanksgiving and have the girls open them then. That day flew by, as fun days like that often do, and before we knew it the day was over the gifts had not been opened. Wanting these gifts to be given the time to shine that they deserved it occurred to me (and mom agreed) that Saint Nicholas Day would be the perfect time for a "little something" from Gramma.

The girls oohed and ahhed over each piece that they took out of the bag and quickly got to work dressing their dolls. Once the dolls were dressed, and the necessary pictures were taken, they spent hours playing with them. "We're going to change them into their jammies at bedtime, mama, but since it's not bedtime yet we're going to keep them in their fancy dresses." decreed Emma. And that's just what they did! xo

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