
Saturday, December 19, 2015

A Visit With Santa Claus

"Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy." -excerpt from Yes, Virginia There is a Santa Claus

Five years of visits with (this) Santa Claus and it's no less magical and incredible than the first time we met him. "What are you hoping for for Christmas?" He asked, and they both replied: "whatever you choose for us!" "You say that to me each year when I ask you!" He replied back (thus confirming what I've long suspected- that he remembers us from year to year). They chatted some more, talking about Saint Nicholas and how various Christmas traditions came to be. He shared with them how Santa is present wherever there is love, kindness and compassion and how the world needs more of that. 

Finally, it was time to say good-bye. He asked for hugs from the girls and then he said to them: "you two are two of the kindest girls, and visiting with you is the highlight of my day!" He then turned to me and asked if he could give me a hug. I said "sure!" While we were hugging he said to me: "You have done a great job with them, mama! They are such kind, compassionate girls! Keep up the good work!" It was a moment I shall cherish forever. He then turned to Dave, shook his hand and said "are you part of this, too?! What a wonderful family you have!"

"Thank you, Santa! We'll see you next year!" 

"I'm looking forward to it already!" 

So are we! xo

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