
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The View From The Twelfth Floor

The absolutely gorgeous view I had of Boston this morning from the twelfth floor of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary  while I waited for photographs of my eyes to be taken as part of my neuro-opthomology  appointment today. The appointment was good, just very long, and it turns out that I am a very rare "albino nystagmus". Albino because of my fair skin and strawberry blonde hair, and nystagmus due to my very wiggly left eye. The good news is that my eye sight will not deteriorate, I just need return to MEEI for more frequent visits. I'm pretty sure that due to how excited all the doctors were to see something "very rare" (and all the photographs and videos taken and test that were done) that there's a journal article about this in the making. xo

1 comment:

  1. I guess if you have to be at the hospial, that would make it much mre pleasant!
