
Sunday, October 16, 2016

Book Ceremony Day

Today at breakfast Emma proclaimed: "Today is my book ceremony day!" Clearly, she was excited that she and the other third graders in her class would be receiving their own copies of the Bible this morning during worship. When they were four years old they had been given story Bibles, but today they would be entrusted with all the  stories of our faith (and in the UCC they are just that- stories). Much like Rose Ceremony Day, Bible Sunday (or "Book Ceremony Day" in Emmaspeak) is a much looked forward to time. As I  was making dinner and thinking back on all the events of the day this evening I realized  that this was in fact the last Book Ceremony Day for our  family. It seems like just yesterday Emma was four years old and being given her copy of the story Bible, and here we are today watching as a new Bible is bestowed upon her. These years are flying by much too quickly for my liking, though I have to admit that for as much as I don't like how quickly time is passing by I do love seeing each and every new thing that comes their way. xo

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