
Thursday, December 8, 2016

Sunday Afternoon At Orchard House

Sunday afternoon after church I surprised the girls with a trip to Orchard House. Little Women is a favorite here in our house ("They remind me so much of our family, mama!") and I have been waiting for just the right moment to take my little women to see the setting of one of our most favorite stories. When I saw a post about An Alcott Christmas Stocking on the Orchard House Facebook page I knew that the right time had finally arrived!

Once inside (after a bit of exploring in the Little Women Garden, of course) we didn't have to wait long before our tour began. Sadly, we were asked not to take photographs, so the few that I have of things from the inside are things that we saw in the gift shop afterward. We first met Louisa who gave us a bit of background about her and her family, and who also explained to us that her family would often fill stockings full of all sorts of goodies to take to local families in need. The Alcott girls grew up much like how Grace and Emma are growing up- being told from a very early age about kindness, generosity and making sure to share with others who are in need more than we are even if, perhaps, it means passing along something you were really looking forward to enjoying. After our visit with Louisa was finished we then met Marmee, followed by May (the youngest of the Alcott girls, and the sister who Amy March was based on) and finally Bronson. At each spot we learned a little more about the Alcott family and we also added things into the Christmas stocking that our group was carrying with us. Each time that one member of the family shared something about their family that sounded like our family the girls would look at me as if to say: "Oh my gosh, mama, that's just like us!"

Afterward, we poked around in the gift shop for a bit, before settling on three Little Women sachet dolls. Amy for Emma, Beth for Grace and Marmee for me. "I just love Amy, mama! She is just like me and I'm like her!" proclaimed Emma. "Mama, are you going to get Marmee? We can't have the girls if you don't have Marmee! It just wouldn't be right!" said Grace (who is so much like Beth from Little Women it's as if the character was based on her!

With our dolls safely tucked into their bag we made our way to the car. Once inside we began our journey home, talking all about our wonderful afternoon adventure! "You know, mama, you really did need two more daughters! Then you really would  have all the Little Women!" xo


  1. Looks like such a sweet afternoon. We went there a few years ago, but have never been during Christmas- another thing to add to our ever-growing list of things to do! Those little dolls are so sweet- I just love them. Merry Christmas, Girls!!

    1. It was a lovely afternoon and could have only been made lovelier if you and your sweet family were there too! The dolls are absolutely wonderful and their scent is amazing! I am so glad that we decided to bring them home with us!

      Happy Christmas, dear friend! xo
