
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Nine Is...

This is nine. 
Nine is Wonder Woman dolls. 
And tools. 
And wishes come true. 
Nine is a wonderful sense of humor. 
And a love of googily eyes. 
Nine is red dresses (with pockets!) that twirl! 
It's beautiful birthday greetings from family and friends. 
 It's rainbows and horses (and rainbow horses), 
It's best friend necklaces. 
Nine is hikes in the woods. 
And hot chocolate with friends. 
Nine is a Barn Owl carved by your Grandpa Gene. 
 It's birthday wishes from daddy (and mama and Grace). 
And lighting candles as you remember each trip around the sun. 
 This is nine. 
 It's sweetness and light and magic and wonder. 
 Nine is Emma, and we couldn't be more proud of the young lady she has become!

Happy 9th birthday, Emma Faith! We love you to the moon and stars and back again, and cannot wait to see all that this next trip around the sun has waiting for you! We have no doubt it will be another amazing year! xo

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Rosmarie! I hope you and your sweet family are well! xo
