
Sunday, April 30, 2017

And That's A Wrap!

And just like that their first competition season has come to an end. These girls worked so very hard  this year and it absolutely showed this weekend! Watching them dance their jazz dance for the final time (in competition) yesterday brought tears to my eyes. There they were, up on stage, dancing their hearts out and totally killin' it and there I was a weepy mess in the audience. I've seen them dance both dances easily a thousand times before and yet, yesterday, they danced  the best I have ever seen them.

The transformation of all the girls as dancers, teammates and friends from that first practice in September to their final dance of this competition yesterday is truly remarkable! It speaks volumes not only to the dedication that each girl brought to the team, and the amazingness that is the CSDS dance team program, but also to the incredible coach/choreographer that they had in Miss Lauri who clearly knew that if she held the standards high for this young group they would achieve them!

And so, as we left the auditorium after they danced for the final time yesterday the energy was off the charts!  Their hard work was rewarded several hours later in the form of two more golds added to the trophy count, followed by the news that they placed first overall in their age group for their jazz dance (Better When I'm Dancin')! What an absolutely fabulous way to end their first year on the dance team! xo

Thursday, April 27, 2017

One Month To Go

The last lesson block of the year for Grace began with a study of Hermit Crabs. She'll spend the next month studying a variety of animals, and if these pages (especially that diagram) are any indication this will be an absolutely perfect ending  to another fabulous year of morning lessons! xo

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Lessons This Morning

Some days you do morning lessons at home, other days you do them in the waiting room at the car dealership. xo

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Saturday In Boston

Today, we went into Boston to attend the March for Science. We had a few other errands to do in the city, so we went in a bit early so that we could get it all done before heading over to the Common for the rally. We  ran our first errand (a stop at LK Bennett) and then swung by Pinkberry for a pre-March smoothie! 

 A few months ago, Dave and the girls happened upon this store in Beacon Hill. They have all sorts of interesting items that old houses (and not-so-old houses) may require. They also learned that skeleton keys can even be made here (!) which was absolutely wonderful news to hear. You see, we have been missing one of our skeleton keys for a good few years now. After much searching (and all the renovations) we still have yet to find it. We had given up hope, but weren't willing to part with the door, so we kept looking for a way to find a key that fit. And lo and behold, the answer to our problem lies in a wonderful little shop in Beacon Hill! 
 So, Dave brought the lock with us, and the gentleman at the store was able to tell us all sorts of interesting things. \He looked at our door lock and noticed that it said "Corbin" and proceeded to tell us that this lock was made sometime in the late 19th, early 20th century in Connecticut. This date range makes sense as our house was built in 1890. It was so neat to learn that this beautiful front door of ours is, in fact, original to the house! 
 On the front door of the store was this beautiful twist bell. It reminded me of the doorbell at my Great Aunt Betty's gorgeous Victorian home in Elizabeth New Jersey. I loved that house and I loved that bell and so it's only fitting that we now live in a Victorian of our own. Dave and I were chatting about adding this bell to our front door (even though people rarely come in that way). I just think it would be a lovely addition to our sweet, old Victorian farmhouse! 
 After we left the store we wandered down Charles Street until we reached the Common. And though it was chilly, grey, rainy day there was still a very large amount of people gathered there on Boston Common. It was very reminiscent of being there in January for the Women's March. There were definitely many pink pussy hats that strolled by, and of course, many, many, many very cleaver signs! 
 Our mini-activists! 
 Making our way to the Kids Rally! 
 Making kites. 
 We just had to take this picture for Grandma Joan and Grandpa Ron! 
 Pin courtesy of Pincause
With how wet and raw out it was we decided that it was essential that we warm up with some hot chocolate over at the Nespresso store on Newbury Street. This was the perfect way to warm up before making our way back to the T and ultimately home! xo 

Friday, April 21, 2017

{This Moment} A Visit From The Toothfairy

{This Moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Wishing you a wonderful weekend! xo

Thursday, April 20, 2017

At Minuteman National Park

Today's adventure found us at Minuteman National Park! We had only been once before and had been looking forward to the visitor center opening for the season this year so that we could go again. As you may remember, Grace had recently done a block on the American Revolution, and I knew that a trip back to the visitor center to see the presentation that they have would be perfect. We loved it three years ago, and we loved it just as much (or perhaps even more) when we saw it again today! Though the visitor center isn't large we easily spent two hours there. The girls spent lots of time looking at everything and remembering all they had learned during Grace's lesson block. It was a wonderful way to spend an afternoon! xo

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Today At Roller Kingdom

School vacation week + a dear friend with her first pair of roller skates = a trip to the roller rink, of course! xo

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

On Marathon Monday

A perfect way to kick off the April vacation week! xo