
Sunday, April 30, 2017

And That's A Wrap!

And just like that their first competition season has come to an end. These girls worked so very hard  this year and it absolutely showed this weekend! Watching them dance their jazz dance for the final time (in competition) yesterday brought tears to my eyes. There they were, up on stage, dancing their hearts out and totally killin' it and there I was a weepy mess in the audience. I've seen them dance both dances easily a thousand times before and yet, yesterday, they danced  the best I have ever seen them.

The transformation of all the girls as dancers, teammates and friends from that first practice in September to their final dance of this competition yesterday is truly remarkable! It speaks volumes not only to the dedication that each girl brought to the team, and the amazingness that is the CSDS dance team program, but also to the incredible coach/choreographer that they had in Miss Lauri who clearly knew that if she held the standards high for this young group they would achieve them!

And so, as we left the auditorium after they danced for the final time yesterday the energy was off the charts!  Their hard work was rewarded several hours later in the form of two more golds added to the trophy count, followed by the news that they placed first overall in their age group for their jazz dance (Better When I'm Dancin')! What an absolutely fabulous way to end their first year on the dance team! xo

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