
Monday, July 17, 2017

In Celebration Of Grace

Just like the celebration for Dave the day before, Grace's day was absolutely perfect for her! From Emma sending her sister on a scavenger hunt to find her gift (in the refrigerator of all places!) to the gathering with her friends at Serendipity and finally the incredibly delicious ice cream cake followed by the lighting of the birthday ring, I'm not sure that this day could have been any more perfect for Miss Grace! She must have thanked us a million times for such a special day yesterday, and the first things he said to us this morning was how much she loved everything about  yesterday. Thank you again to everyone who helped us celebrate. This truly is one of those birthdays she will look back on for years to come! xo


  1. I am so happy she had such a wonderful day! It looks so fun too- love the bead work birthday party!

    1. Thanks Patricia! It really was such a lovely day for our lovely firstborn! Someday if you come to visit we'll have to plan to do some beading at Serendipity while ya'll are here! xo

    2. That would be amazing. Alice would love it!! (so would I.)
