
Monday, April 9, 2018

It's Competition Day!

Our day started bright and early Saturday morning. We were up before the sun. We woke the girls up with our version of "It's Coronation Day" from Frozen- though we changed it into "It's Competition Day! We cranked the music up loud, and I came bursting into their bedroom singing "It's Competition Day!" That got them up and dressed pretty quickly, then it was downstairs for me to do Grace's hair and make-up while Dave made breakfast. Once a hearty breakfast was in our bellies we loaded up the car and headed to Worcester. We arrived at the school a little after 6:30am and Grace and I made our way to the cafeteria turned dressing room where she got into her production costume and had her fake eyelashes put on by one of the other dance team moms (thank goodness for this amazing village of dance team moms)! It didn't take long for her to decide that she loves wearing fake eye lashes and if truth be known was so smitten with them she spent a good long while looking in the mirror of her Caboodles totally in awe of those lashes!

The production number was the second dance of the day and those girls absolutely killed it! They were truly amazing and continued to wow the audience with each dance they performed throughout the rest of the day!

Grace danced the best we have ever seen her dance in each of the four numbers she was in. Sadly, I have no pictures of the Junior Team's jazz dance from this comp but I'll be sure to take a few next time!

The day ended with Center Stage coming  home with many, many awards! It was a wonderful start to the competition season and we are counting down to the next one already! xo 

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