
Friday, August 31, 2018

Grace's Lemon Tree

 About a year ago Grace bought a lemon tree at Lowe's. It wasn't very big, and if truth be known, we weren't even sure it would survive much less produce any fruit, so it's safe to say we were super surprised when it had grown a small green fruit by the time we were packing for the cruise. We left it in the care of friends of ours from church while we were away in November for fear that our house might be too chilly for it while we were away. When we got back we looked up how long it would take for the fruit to be mature and we learned that it's about a ten month process (who knew?!)! Yesterday, before Dave left for work he informed Grace that it may be time to pick the lemon (which never did turn yellow we'd like to add) as it was feeling "kinda soft". Grace plucked the lemon (lime?) from it's home, cut it in half and we were all in awe that it actually was a lemon (or maybe it's really a lime?!)! Whatever it is, it's extremely tart! We were also pleasantly surprised to discover not one but two more flowers have bloomed! 
 When she bought this plant it might have been no taller than twelve inches. 
On the inside it's yellow, 
but on the outside it's more like a lime green. 

We are super curious to see if both flowers turn into fruit, and if they too are green on the outside but yellow on the inside! xo


  1. That is so cool! It only takes one lemon to make a lemon drizzle cake, so if the flowers turn into lemons I'll send her the recipe!
