
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

This Is Thirteen

When I was pregnant with Grace, and especially after she was born, everyone would say "enjoy it because it goes by so fast!" And at the time, as a brand new mama, I just smiled sweetly and thanked them and that was that. Well, thirteen years later I am here to say "truer words were never spoken". I have no idea how it's possible that she is thirteen already, as it truly feels like she was a newborn just yesterday.
Her birthday began with gifts before David left for work. 
 A flying key ornament (and screamer) from Emma. 
 Gardening gloves she had seen last time we were at Tower Hill. Perfect for all gardening jobs but especially so for when she works with her roses. 
 A much wishes for Fairy doll. 
 I'm so glad that I captured the moment when she saw was was underneath the wrapping paper! 
 She saw this book in the book store when we were down in New Jersey and was so smitten with it from moment one that discovering she owned a copy was like a dream come true! 
Yesterday we met up with my mom for lunch and she gave Grace her gifts then. This gigantic book and this tiny book were from my parents (in addition to a couple of new additions to the birthday ring, of course). 
My mom assembled the flower basket in the middle and my dad got out his Dremel and etched the thirteen. 
They never cease to amaze! 
 Out of her jammies and ready for the day we decided to take a few good pictures of her lovely new fairy doll. This doll was made by Brenda of Marmie and Me Sews. She made the elf dolls that each girl received for their last birthdays. Grace had mentioned to me a few months ago how she would love one of Brenda's fairy dolls someday and David and I thought her thirteenth birthday would be the perfect time to make that wish come true. It's always a joy to work with Brenda and this time was especially fun! 
Grace has absolutely loved everything about her childhood. It's been full of wonder and enchantment and magic and simply lovely days. As her thirteenth birthday got closer and closer she kinda struggled with what it would mean to turn thirteen. She wasn't ready for her childhood to end she told me one night when she came into our room after I had tucked both girls in an hour or so before. We talked about how she has had a long and magical childhood- much longer than many children do these days- and how just because she was becoming a teenager it didn't mean that it had to end that day. I think by giving her this very special doll on this very special day it helped her to understand that the magic and wonder of her childhood will always be with her no matter how old she gets (and that it's OK to still believe in fairies and enjoy all the things she loves). 
Grace has named her Flora. Isn't she absolutely enchanting?! 
And I now have a co-pilot! She's not ready to ride up front on the highway yet but around town and on the backroads she's game! 
 It wouldn't be Grace's birthday if we didn't go blueberry picking. We got their later than we usually do since both girls slept in this morning but it was just as lovely to be there at 11:00am as it is at 9:00am (though the three of us agreed we like 9:00am better since it's more peaceful and you can hear the birds singing more than people chatting). 
After blueberry picking it was home for lunch and a bit of quiet time before heading to The Queen's Cups to pick up her cupcakes for dessert tonight and then over to Adelaide's to pick  up some Harry Potter items for Emma to take to camp with her. Adelaide gave Grace such a sweet gift (watermelon soap and a make your own bracelet kit from her favorite shop in Hudson) and then all five girls went to go play and us mamas had a chance to chat. The impromptuness of this visit, the sweetness of the friends, the simplicity of it all just added another layer of wonderfulness to this truly lovely day!
 After dinner it was time for the birthday ring. Grace opted to forgo the birthday story this year ("That will take a LONG time to read, mama!") and instead asked that we each bestow a wish upon her. Emma said that she wised for Grace to have a good and fun year, I wished for Grace to have courage and be brave when new things arise (as they absolutely will) and David wished for Grace to have all her hopes and dreams and goals realized. It was powerful to hear these wishes wished, and it was even more powerful to see Grace take each to heart and then thank each person afterward. I love that this tradition is growing with them as they grow and that they can make it be what feels right to them each year. 
 With only sixteen holes in the ring we are clearly running out of room for both candles and ornaments. We couldn't go with out displaying so many so Emma suggested we put some in the middle when we set it up last night. 
 Berry Cheesecake Cupcakes from The Queen's Cups. So, so good! 
Officially thirteen.

 It has been an absolute joy to be her mama and to be witness to the incredible young woman that she has become. It is my hope that she will continue to carry herself with grace and kindness as she always has, that she will continue to find her voice, to stand up for what she believes in, to cherish her family and friends, to reach high and achieve her dreams, to enjoy the simple things in life, to embrace wonder and magic and that she will do something to make the world  more beautiful. 

Happy thirteenth birthday, Grace Elizabeth! We love you to the moon and stars and back and can't wait to see what this next trip around the sun has in store for you! We will be there every step of the way! xo 


  1. Happy 13th Birthday to one of the sweetest, kindest, most thoughtful, and loveliest girl we know! We are so happy to see Grace had a wonderful birthday with an extra special gift. Sending lots of love and hugs to a wonderful girl!

    1. Thank you, dear friend, for your beautiful words! The ONLY way that yesterday could have been any more lovely would have been if ya'll were here to celebrate with us! xo

  2. Happy Birthday. I accidentally commented on her birthday on a different post. Hope she has a wonderful year.
