
Saturday, December 7, 2019

{This Moment} Sisterhood

{This Moment} A weekend ritual. A single photo (or two or three) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. xo
"Breaking the rules" this week to share a few thoughts on this amazing group of women. In my life since becoming a mama I have had the worst time finding my people, my tribe, where I belong. Joining Fitness Asylum over two years ago changed all that, but then joining the bikini team just took it to the next level (both training-wise and friendship-wise). When people ask why I continue to compete I tell them "part of what keeps me coming back is not only a love for this sport but also a love for this team!" The sisterhood that is bikini is a strong one. It reminds me so much of my Delta Gamma days. The women in this picture are some of the strongest, most amazing that I have the honor of knowing and the privilege of calling my friends (and sisters). I will always have a special place in my heart for the first season that I competed, but this season will forever be my most favorite simply because of this group of amazing, badass women! From all of us meeting and becoming friends at the 5:30am bootcamp back in the day to becoming sisters thanks to this team last fall I am so grateful for each and every one of them and I can';t wait to see where this journey takes us all next! xo 

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