
Monday, March 23, 2020

One Final Visit

 Last Friday night the tooth-fairy made one final visit to our house. And much like when Grace's tooth-fairy made her final visit Emma's tooth-fairy left a beautiful fairy necklace as her final gift. 
The next morning, Emma came downstairs, covered in fairy dust and clutching her tooth-fairy box and note. She was very quiet and very teary.

Me: "Oh Emma, what's wrong sweet girl?"
Me: "Are you sad that Violet made hr final visit last night?"
Emma (with tears flowing): "Yes. I am really going to miss her."

And, while I have no doubt that the tooth-fairy will continue to stop by every now and again I am sad that we have completely come to the end of this part of our girls childhoods. I take great comfort in the fact that both of our girls still believed in the tooth-fairy through loosing all of their teeth, and my guess is that they will, on some level, always believe in fairies (tooth-fairies and otherwise). I am so grateful that our girls have had such long and magical and extraordinary childhoods. The magic of childhood still remains for them and I have a feeling that it always will. And when the time comes for the tooth-fairy to visit their own children I hope that they enjoy every moment of it as much as I did.  xo

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