
Monday, May 25, 2020

On Memorial Day

Though it was grey, chilly and drizzly today David and I still went for our walk this morning. On our walk we passed by two monuments outside of city hall. We took a moment and paid our respects figuring that due to the pandemic this would be the extent of a Memorial Day ceremony for us today. After our walk we went to Lowe's to pick up a few things David needed to start painting our bedroom. We were really impressed to see a dedicated spot to the fallen. 

Memorial Day is a challenging holiday for me. Often times my birthday falls on Memorial Day weekend so there's always the challenge of balancing the celebration with reverence and honor. As a Gold Star family, there's also a personal connection and a deep knowledge that Memorial Day is for those who died in battle. 

For those who don't know, one of my father's brothers was killed in action in Vietnam. From the time we were little my brother, sister and I were taught the difference: Memorial Day is for those who died in battle. Veterans Day is for those who have served and Armed Forces Day is for those currently serving. Two are days for celebration, one is a day for reverence and remembering. "We don't wish anyone a happy Memorial Day just like we don't wish anyone a happy funeral." It is a lesson that has stuck with me my entire life. And so, I pass that wisdom on to all of you in hopes that you will refrain from saying "happy Memorial Day" and that you will take a moment today to honor those brave men and women who gave their lives in battle defending the freedoms we hold dear and the country the loved. ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸

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