
Friday, July 10, 2020

For Your Consideration

A little homeschool humor this morning! 😉

I know so many are feeling so conflicted about what to do regarding school this coming fall/year. If you are thinking you'd rather homeschool and have questions/concerns please know that we are here to help you every step of the way. It's really is much, much easier than you realize!

The most common concern I'm hearing from people is that they are worried that if they decide to homeschool this year that their child won't be ready to return to school the following year. While I absolutely understand this concern, I also want you to consider that in many regards the stability that true homeschooling will provide will probably be beneficial to any child who is able to do so. Not only will it give them a chance to decompress from the crisis-schooling they experienced this past spring, but it will also give them a chance to decompress from all the uncertainty that is currently present regarding what school will look (and will most likely remain present throughout the year). Now, this is NOT to take away from the amazing educators that we have in our schools who are working tirelessly to make sure that each child reaches their ultimate potential whether it be through remote learning, hybrid learning or everyone back in the buildings. Those people are absolute superheros in my book and have my utmost respect! It is simply to let you know that should you decide to become a homeschool family (even if it's only for the coming year) that the children will be fine. In fact, in many regards they may even return to school stronger than they left it. This is especially true for those of you whose children have been in school for several years now. The foundation has been laid. Chances are you won't be teaching them to read (though you may get to teach them math the way you learned it!). Instead you will simply be building upon the foundation that has already been laid, and that, my friends, is really very fun to do!
For those that want to do this but don't feel that you have the training and the skills necessary to do so let me assure you that every veteran homeschool mom and dad has this concern too. We all cannot be good at everything! We're not supposed to be, after all. A lot of homeschooling is finding experts to help your children learn what they want or need to learn which is outside of your wheelhouse. Any one who knows me know that I can't teach high school level math (but Dave can). In fact, I know that I can't teach high school level science either (but Dave's mom could). And if they can't for whatever reason, there are many people out there in the world or within our community that can. There's also classes (be it online or in person) or resources to utilize. The opportunities that are out there for homeschooling families are vast and incredible.
So, as you all consider what the school year will look like for your children, I hope you will be sure to include actual homeschooling in your list of options too. And please know that I am happy to sit and chat with you (via text, Zoom or even outside in my backyard) and answer any and all questions you may have. And if you do take the leap and become a full fledged homeschool family for the coming year, I will be here every step of the way to help you navigate this journey! xo P.S. For those that will undoubtedly ask about curriculum you may want to check out Oak Meadow. They are based out of Vermont and you can buy and use their materials either on your own or via enrollment. Enrollment does come with a tuition, but that gives you access to a teacher who will grade and provide feedback for your child. Oak Meadow routinely holds a "virtual open house" which you can attend and get all your questions answered.
A brand new option is Seasons of Seven Virtual School. It's a Waldorf school but virtually. Again, there is a tuition (though much less expensive than a brick and mortar Waldorf school) but it may be something you want to look into and consider should you want teacher support. Children enrolled in grades K-6 at Seasons of Seven will have the same teacher for the entire year. Children in grades seven and up can take classes a la carte.
For both, Oak Meadow and Seasons of Seven you would still be registered as homeschoolers with your state/district. For both, you will have the flexibility of making your days however you want them to be while still having a teacher to lean on.

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