
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

On The Last Day of September

On my walk this evening I decided that since it was the last day of September today that I should share all the pictures and things from this month that I didn't share before October began tomorrow. It's been a busy month, adjusting to all the changes and finding our new/autumn rhythm. I think we have done really well (even if I am not keen on the amount of sitting and screen time that I am experiencing each day). 

This picture of my dad arrived via email from my 100 year old grandfather. Be it mail or email he always sends us the best things! This one arrived two days after my dad's birthday. 

The girls and I went to Friends Day at Old Sturbridge Village. The weather was glorious and the Village looked beautiful! 
This silly hen (that we named Edna) was in the hay loft in the barn at the Freeman Farm. She made it quite  known that she was not happy we were in her barn! 

In the words of Emma: "Our hens have gotten so big so fast." 
The hazy sun. This is the day that the smoke from the wild fires out west arrived here in New England. 
Grace tries out her new calligraphy pen. 
The latest letter from my grandfather. I realized I hadn't shared it when it arrived in August so I posted it on Facebook the other day since we know how much everyone enjoys reading his letters. 
The girls lead the youth group of the church I work at in a tie dying event. They did such a great job!
It's great to still see the youth of FCC even if we can't be together right now! 

Happy First Day of Nature School! 
Clearly, it was a yellow and blue themed day for our girls! 

Emma with one of her creations from Sunday. 

Life with a cat is never dull. 

Grace's Tudor family tree. 

Emma's Lime Cycle main lesson book page. 

Grace's class made kites on Michaelmas Day!

Emma's Michaelmas dragon painting. 
Since our church has decided to continue to only gather virtually the Children's Ministry Team has created Faith Discovery bags. Each month a new fruit of the spirit will be focused on and each month each family is given a new bag with activities and crafts and songs centering around that month's fruit. September was love and so we added a sweet heart to the paper and placed it on our kitchen table as a reminder to us about what love is. 

I know my blogging has been very sparse, and it is my hope that it won't always be this way, but for now I hope to at least get a few posts up each month with an end of the month wrap up like this one. I know that there are people that enjoy keeping up with what we are up to in this space of ours, and I like having a record of our days too. After all, there's a decade's worth her and a lifetime still to go! xo

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