
Friday, December 25, 2020

On Christmas Day

Our Christmas morning began with a viewing of the Christmas Eve service from the night before. And while it felt a little strange to sing silent night at 8:00am, there was also something really special about it too.
Obligatory picture before we open presents! 

Opening her gift from Emma. 

Emma gave her three little hand made items (a mama and baby dolphin and a dove) that she bought at the Waldorf school's store.
And a silly page-a-day-calendar (that will surely be loved by all)! 
Opening her gifts from Grace. 
Grace gave her two outfits for her mice (that I did not take a picture of, evidently) and this beautiful journal that Emma really was hoping for (all from our wonderful trip to the Waldorf School's store). 
Santa gifts. The girls have outgrown this tradition, though the magic is still there (as is the Santa wrapping paper that has been used since Grace was just a few months old) so when I saw these I just knew that they would be the perfect gifts from Santa for them this year! 
Last New Year's Eve the girls saw their first Star Wars movie. Fast forward just about a year later and they have now watched all the movies in the Star Wars franchise plus both seasons of The Mandalorean. To say they are fans would be an understatement. These bobbleheads felt like the perfect way to commemorate this past year for them. 
Opening their something to wear gifts (new leos for dance). 
Opening their "something you need" gifts. 
New gloves for Emma, 
And new goggles for Grace. 
Something to read.
The Gift of the Magi has always been a favorite story, but with this being the year that Grace's class read and discussed it it seemed even more fitting for her to have her own copy. 
Opening her "something you want" gift. 
Both girls were hard to figure out their "something you want" gifts this year, as there was really nothing they wanted. Last week when we went to the Waldorf school store, Emma saw this and instantly was smitten. I knew that that would make the perfect gift for that part of the poem!
And, of course, Christmas morning wouldn't be Christmas morning without homemade cinnamon rolls (pre-icing)! 

Opening their gift from Gramma Terri and Grandpa Gene. 

I have wanted to own one of these since I first saw it in the school psychologist's office back in my teaching days at Mulready. I am so glad we have one now! Thanks mom and dad! 
David's gift from his parents is the Lego piano (I have no idea where it's going to live once it's built) and Emma is working on her treasure box.

Grace makes the final few batches of cinnamon rolls while dinner is cooking. 

It was indeed a lovely Christmas Day today. We would have much preferred a lovely snowstorm rather than the torrential rain we had but alas it's 2020 so rain it was! To all those celebrating today: we hope that your day was a lovely as ours and we wish you a joyous twelve days of Christmas! May all your Christmas wishes come true! 

To all those wo aren't celebrating today: we hope your day was lovely as well and we wish you a wonderful last week of 2020. May these last few days of this most unprecedented of years be a time of reflection and peace. xo 

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