
Sunday, March 14, 2021

Catching Up

In eleven years of blogging this is the least I have ever posted! I looked at the number of posts on the blog for this year and was somewhat surprised to see that I have only posted eighteen times. At the same time I wasn't all that surprised either. I am sure this would be the case if I was still home full time as so much has shifted this year with two teenagers among us. I suppose it's the normal order of things really. There is not an age or a stage that I haven't loved (though age four did leave something to be desired) and I am glad that I have recorded so much of their growing up years here. Over the last couple of years I have often wondered about the need for this space. Does anyone even read blogs anymore? I have no idea, but I do like having a record of our days for myself so I continue on. 

Let's get caught up, shall we?! 
This picture was taken back in February and I had all intentions of posting it back then but somehow life got in the way (as seems to be the norm lately). Not quite a month late, but pretty close! 
The increase in daylight hours (and warmer weather) has our hens laying up a storm! We are getting four to five eggs daily (from our five hens)! I can't believe they will be a year old soon. They have been a joy and a true bright spot during this pandemic! 
Winter Sundays are spent at the mountain and this year was no exception! The only thing that really changed about Sundays thanks to Covid was the girls don't go up with Dave. Instead I bring them. It's been lovely to have that time with them (and then on the way home I chat with my mom)! It's a sweet Sunday routine that we are all going to miss now that the season is winding down). 
Grace sculpted this out of clay for her anatomy class. Seasons of Seven Virtual (Waldorf) School continues to be such a total blessing to us. The girls have done so well and we continue to be amazed at what they do each day! The transition to Seasons of Seven was pretty seamless as it's so incredibly  similar to how we have rolled all these years as it was started by the woman who wrote the curriculum we have used since the girls were little (just now with classmates)! 
This past Friday was dance team dress rehearsal. I took exactly two pictures (both involving this gorgeous costume). The girls performed their duo for the first time in front of our dance family and blew people away! Though I took a video (and some have seen it) I will share it here after the competition season has gotten underway! 
Dress rehearsal was so much fun! One year ago we didn't even make it to dress rehersal as Covid had shut everything down right before. Seeing them running through their dances was a little bit of "normal" returned to us. And while I do so hope that the "new normal" that will arrive post-Covid has people making changes and not returning to their frenzied lives (and the world continuing to stay peaceful like it has been so Mother Earth can continue to heal) it was nice to see the girls all together again like this! 
On Saturday we met up with Frank and Brady. They had come to Boston to celebrate Brady's birthday and invited us to join them for lunch. It was one of the few times that we have dined in a restaurant in the last year and it was the first time we had gathered with people who live out of state. It was wonderful to get to spend the afternoon catching up with them. It wasn't nearly long enough of a visit but we were grateful for the time we got to spend together! Until next time, dear friends! xo 

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