
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Fun Filled, Science Filled Day!

What a fun filled, science filled day we had today! The last time we were at the Museum of Science Grace was three-and-a-half and Emma was two. So, when my friend Emily called last night asking if we'd be up for an adventure at the science museum today how could I possibly say no?! Especially after I realized exactly how long it had been since we were last there! So, this morning we packed up, swung by the town library to pick up a museum pass and headed to meet up with our sidekicks for the day. We arrived late morning and discovered that pretty much every Catholic school in the Boston area was at the Museum today (and here we thought us homeschoolers would be the only people there). Thankfully, it wasn't too crowded and as the morning turned into afternoon all the school groups started heading back to their schools. The girls had a blast checking out all sorts of things (though there is lots that we never did get to see today). The cherry on top of today's sundae though has to be the 3D movie that we saw (it was the first 3D movie for all of the girls). Emily and I thought it would be fun to take the girls to see The Flight of the Butterflies, and just as we expected they were totally in awe! They kept trying to touch each butterfly that flew toward them. It was simply magical and a moment that I shall carry with me forever. Finally, it was time to say our good-byes and head home. As we navigated our way out of Boston the girls chatted about all the fun that we had today. "Mama, I just loved that butterfly movie" said Grace and Emma chimed in with: "I loved it too. I wish we could see it again!" The three of us agreed that we must plan a day to head back soon to do all the things we didn't get a chance to do this time! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, what a fun day! I bet the butterfly movie was amazing!
