
Monday, October 14, 2013

Twenty-Four Hours And Counting

As of today we have spent twenty four hours painting the fence. The fact that Grace and Emma are the ages they are and have now logged twenty-four hours on a massive project like this is just phenomenal! I love that these two sweet souls think nothing of rolling up their sleeves and pitching in. I love that they often remind me that "if we all work together it will get done faster" but mostly I love that this is something that we've all done together. I love that we chose to make this a family project instead of hiring someone to do it (though I am sure that by the time we are done we're not going to want to pick up a brush or roller for a good long while)! I love that our progress each time makes our little corner of the world a little more lovely, and connects us a little more deeply to each other and to the families that lived here before us. I love that the memories that are being made and that the skills that are being acquired are memories and skills that the girls will carry with them always. I love that the girls work so hard that there are often outfit changes (to something cooler) each time we paint. I love that I get to constantly be in awe of all that these girls of mine do and how important our family and our home is to them. Clearly, I cannot sing their praises enough! I am so very honored that I get to be their mama and that I get to share each and every moment of each and every day with them. I am looking forward to all of the projects and adventures that are still in store for the four of us, though I suppose we should finish this project (and maybe move the pile of old posts and the no longer needed baby swing) before we start thinking about what's next!

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