
Monday, February 2, 2015


This is the first year we've really celebrated Candlemas. I had been contemplating it for the last couple of years but it never seemed like quite the right time. This year, however, felt right and so I began to figure out how we should celebrate our first Candlemas. It all came together as soon as I saw these sweet beeswax candle making kits for sale in a Waldorf group I am a part of on Facebook. I immediately ordered two of them (and goodness I wish I'd ordered a few more!) and tucked them safely away until Candlemas day arrived. This morning, we learned the candle verse pictured above, read the story of Brigid and her cloak, and then rolled candles. The girls really loved this and easily could have spent all morning making them! More kits have been requested, and with Emma's birthday in just a few weeks the timing of that request couldn't be better! We wish you all a very happy and very blessed Candlemas. Winter is now halfway over, spring is on it's way! xo


  1. I love this! Thank you for including the link for the kits! I definitely want to order a couple- it looks fun! I will be filing this idea away for next year too. We do keep track of Candlemas Day for the fun of guessing the weather but I never thought to make candles!

    1. Such a sweet and simple day and an instant fave! And with those kits you really cannot go wrong ($5 is the perfect price too)! I can see Alice really getting into making candles (and you and Mary too)! xo

  2. Sounds just lovely my friend. So happy you guys added this festival to your rhythm, it is one of my favourites.

    1. It really was! Thank you for your encouragement in regard to adding this one in. It's an instant fave and definitely one we'll be celebrating from now on! xo
