
Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Last month Grace worked on time in the form of the days of the week, the months of the year (in English and German), the seasons and finally on an analog clock. One of the projects she created was a book about the months of the year. Each month had it's own page and on the page was a verse about that month and a picture illustrating that verse. She worked extremely hard on her book and the end result is just stunning! Now, if we could just find a place to laminate and bind it for less than $52! 
This sweet months project was so much fun to watch take shape. Grace had made a similar one for the days of the week, but if truth be known it was not nearly as lovely as this one. We all just loved the picture she chose for each month, and having each month also written in German just added another lovely layer as well. 
The finishing touch to this project was the addition of the seasons. 
It added that extra little something which really helped to pull the entire thing together.
The final piece of her time telling math block was learning to tell time with an analog clock. We have one hanging in our kitchen so both girls are very familiar with it, but making your own clock is just way too fun to pass up! So, last Tuesday as Dave worked on clearing the driveway during the blizzard the girls kept busy making clocks all while drinking hot chocolate (because, let's be honest, it's just even more fun that way)! xo


  1. $50 is crazy. I am assuming this was Staples or some office supply store......I wonder where you can get things laminated - especially if they are not 8x11. I am going to think about this. I will let you know if I come up with anything. This project is simply wonderful and something she will treasure forever.

    1. Totally crazy! I couldn't believe my ears and have to admit that it was the first time since I left teaching that I missed teaching (since at a school I'd just be able to do both things with ease)! And yes, you are spot on- it was Office Max! The irregular size made it more since they don't have a big laminator like we would back in our teaching days. Thanks for thinking about where else we could go. I waited so long to share these projects cause I really wanted the book to be finished but seeing how it may be a while I figured better now than never! :) She loves it now but I know she'll love it even more when it's all finished! xo
