
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Cookies Are Here!

 Our dinning room table earlier today filled with the troop cookies. 
Each year we take a picture of the girls and all the cookies they sold and use it on the thank-you note that we include with order.Many thanks to everyone who supported the girls and their troop! We'll be getting your cookies to you over the next few days! xo


  1. Wow, that's a lot of cookies. Enjoy delivering them.

    1. Quite a sight isn't it?! Thankfully they pretty much all go to the same few places so delivering them is easier than it looks!:)

  2. Great idea for the thank-you card! I think I'm going to copy you :)

    1. Thanks! It's definitely a favorite part of cookie delivery!

      Thanks for all your hard work on this, Abby! You totally rocked it! xo

  3. OMGosh. I remember those days! Looks like you did really, really well!

  4. For a smallish homeschool troop we did (and as a family we did as well)! Glad this brought back memories for you my friend! :) xo

  5. I am also borrowing your thank you card idea! :) We just placed our cookie orders so we won't be receiving them til March. But it is a fun idea to take a photo with the cookies and say thank you to our customers!

    1. Borrow away! It's definitely a fun piece to the cookie delivery day! I write each person's name in the upper left hand corner along with the amount due and then stick the paper in the box (or bag) that the cookies are in. It's an easy way to know whose cookies are whose and how much they owe! :) xo
