
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Throwback Thursday::Valentine's Day

We begin by throwing back to February 2007. Grace's first Valentine's Day (and her first tutu)! 
February 2009. Emma's first Valentine's Day (and one week shy of turning one year old)! 
Valentine's Day 2010. 
First Valentine's Day on the blog and one week shy of Emma turning two years old. 
A little baking on Valentine's Day 2011. 
Fairy wings were a must then (and now)! 
Valentine's Day 2012. Emma's one week shy of turning four (which she really wasn't keen on at all), 
and we attended a very special tea. 
Tea is serious business you know!
 Valentine's Day 2013. Homemade valentines (of course!) and Emma's one week shy of turning five. 
And finally, Valentine's Day 2014. 
Sweet gnomes made by our dear friend Kim, and one week to go until Emma turns six!

I hadn't planned to include pictures from each year of their lives (minus 2008 that is. I'm sure I have one from that year around here somewhere, now if I could just remember where it would be) but once I started looking back I just couldn't stop! It's hard to believe that another Valentine's Day is upon us this weekend, and that one week after that our sweet Emma will be seven! And unlike when she refused to turn four ("I not four, I only Emma!") she is super excited to celebrate turning seven! Happy Valentine's Day, friends! xo


  1. What a lovely look back Shel. Still can't believe Emma is going to be seven!!!

  2. Thanks, Kim! I can't believe it either! Each year keeps going faster than the last one! xo

  3. Really cute! Happy Valentine's Day ladies! xx

    1. Thanes, Patricia! These years surely have flown! xo
