If you had told me one year ago that I would be part of the Fitness Asylum’s bikini competition team I would have absolutely laughed at you! And yet, three body challenges and one holiday bootcamp blitz later that’s exactly what I’m gearing up to do! I’m both terrified and excited. I’m grateful to be a first time competitor with so many of my most favorite people, and I’m grateful to be part of a team that has so many who’ve competed before (and who have been so kind and patient with us new girls who have asked so many questions already)! It’s going to be an incredible twelve weeks. No doubt there will be rough days when I just want to throw in the towel (or eat a cookie) but I have no doubt that if I can do this I can do anything! I’m both terrified about what I’ve signed up to do and super excited too (It’s a strange emotion). Twelve weeks to go until competition day. Twelve weeks until I don a teeny, blinged out bikini and get on stage. Twelve weeks of the cleanest eating you can imagine. Twelve weeks of pushing myself harder and further than I ever have before. It’s sure to be one wild ride and one truly incredible journey!

Good luck! I find that it is always the mind that stops me more than the body, so if you can push through your fears you will get there!!