
Friday, August 17, 2018

Sweet Sixteen

Sixteen years ago, during a record breaking heatwave, two crazy kids promised to love each other "as we are now and for what we will become together." And gracious, that becoming has been quite an adventure! We've packed an awful lot in to the last sixteen years. From our first apartment to our sweet old farmhouse. From infertility to life as a family of four. From grief and despair that was too much to bear to being stronger as a couple than we were before. It truly has been a wild ride! And while the days or weeks or months (or, in one particular case, a certain year) haven't always been easy there's no one I'd rather be traveling through life with than this guy! Thank you, David, for always living our vows. For truly being "faithful, patient, and honest, through laughter and tears".  And for "following me and supporting me all the days of  our life". And so, as we toast with rice cakes and almond butter, (or a protein shake for me and a beer for him) because that's how we roll when your anniversary falls during competition prep season, I say with absolute certainty that I'd do it all again.  Happy sweet sixteen to us! xo 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many more happy years together.
