
Monday, December 31, 2018

Our Year In Review

And just like that another year is coming to a close! I truly cannot believe how fast this one flew by! It honestly seems like just yesterday I was working on our twenty-seventeen year in review, and looking back at my seventh year of blogging, and now here I am reflecting on, and closing out, my eighth!

Twenty-eighteen was good to us. It saw many goals being achieved and dreams coming true. Emma's dream of making the dance team being a big one (and Grace returning for a third year). Twenty-eighteen even saw me getting on stage (something I never, in my wildest dreams, thought I would do but can't wait to do again)! 

While twenty-eighteen didn't find us traveling the ocean blue, it did find us traveling to Williamsburg Virginia and it did see us gathering in Hartford for alumni weekend.

Beautiful lesson blocks were completed (as were some delicious ones!), pen pals were written to and a week at summer camp full of fabulous memories and experiences was had. In twenty-eighteen the girls learned that they were, in fact, Born to Fly!

Twenty-eighteen saw jobs being found and left and then a better one found (though I'm realizing now that the later hasn't been shared about in this space yet)! It saw Dave becoming a Ranger at Wachusett and me becoming Director of Religious Education at First Parish Church in Berlin. My work there began in December, though I don't start with the children until this coming Sunday. I am excited to see where this new journey will take me as I get to know this new faith community!

We didn't do so well with our garden this year and have instead decided that this coming planting season will see it become a pollinator garden (something we have long talked about wanting). I am hopeful that twenty-nineteen may finally be the year we get chickens and bees. We'll see...

Twenty-eighteen saw Emma turn ten and my grandfather turn one hundred. Talk about milestone birthdays!

Another milestone was watching Grace bridge from Juniors to Cadettes. Heather (my dear friend and one of her leaders) had asked me to send along pictures of Grace from her Daisy, Brownie and Junior days. It was a lovely trip down memory lane and crazy to think how quickly those years have passed by.

While twenty-eighteen marked sixteen years of marriage for David and I, it also marked twenty years of being together! Two decades. Just about half our lives. There's been a lot of living in those two decades, my friends, and I dare say they'll be even more in the next two!

And so, tonight we'll eat Chinese food, reminisce about the past year and set our intentions for the coming year. With any luck twenty-nineteen will be as full of love, connection and adventure as twenty-eighteen has been! xo

Sunday, December 30, 2018

On The Last Sunday Of 2018

Ending the year with a little embroidery during church this morning. xo 

Saturday, December 29, 2018

{This Moment} Friends And Family

[This Moment} A weekend ritual. A single photo (or two) -capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Wishing you a lovely last weekend of 2018! xo

Thursday, December 27, 2018

On Christmas Morning

Exchanging sister gifts. 

This is one of my most favorite parts of the day. They always choose such lovely things for each other and are always so excited for what they have given and received from each other. 

Santa gifts. Always something wooden and always something of his choosing. 
These gorgeous ornaments have jingle bells inside them. 
Perfect choices for each one. 
 Something you need. 
 They were so excited to have their very own return address stamps for all the letters they write to their friends! 
Her smile says it all! 
 Openiong their "something to wear" gifts. 
Dresses to wear to The Nutcracker on Friday! 
 "Something to read"
 We love this author/illustrator and I was thrilled to see a book we didn't already own by her! 
Miss Kim, the town librarian, recommended this book to me over the summer. saying: "It's a very Tscherne girl book." I was going to save it for Grace's birthday but somehow it just felt right to give it to her now. 
 Opening her "something you want" gift. 
 She has been wishing for these gloves for a year now. 
Making this dream a reality was the best (and so was her smile)! 
Grace's turn. 
This was a fun box to wrap. 
Last summer, while she was at Pilgrim Lodge, she learned to play the ukulele and has been wishing for her own ever since! 
Emma's gift to David (along with Grace's near his feet). 
My most favorite Christmas gift from David this year. 
And our Christmas morning would not be complete without homemade cinnamon rolls, of course! 
We hope your Christmas was as lovely and magical and wish-filled as ours was! xo 

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Happy Boxing Day!

Our Boxing Day traditions continue. Lego building and Christmas movies all in our jammies (of course)! Hope your day was as lovely as ours! Check back tomorrow for pictures from Christmas morning! xo