
Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Power Of Animals

The girls and I take Jake for a walk in October. 
Last night when we brought him back to his family.
Last night, as we drove to get chocolate ice cream, I shared this story with the girls. I wanted to be sure to record it here, because it truly is one of the sweetest things I have ever experienced.

This past Wednesday, when Dave was at the hockey rink and the girls were sound asleep, I sat down on the couch with only the light from the Christmas tree for light. The house was silent and the glow of the tree was lovely. Almost as soon as I sat down, Jake got up from where he was laying and came over. He sat down in front of me (facing me) and gently put one paw on my lap. He looked at me as if to say "thank you for these last two months." Just typing these words brings tears to my eyes just like his sweet gesture did that night. It's as if he knew his time with us was coming to a close. 

I absolutely believe in the power of animals. The power they have to connect with us, to communicate with us and to understand us. I have believed this my entire life (thanks mom!),though some experiences are more profound than others. This was one such experience. 

After I shared that story with the girls I also told them the final story of Albert. For those that may not know or for those who have forgotten, Albert was the dog that Dave and I had from the first summer we lived in our house until the day after Dave's grandmother's funeral when we helped him to find his rest. He was with us just shy of ten years. Albert was a pug, which was never a breed I ever had any interest in owning, yet I promised Dave (who never had a dog yet always wanted a pug) that if he bought me a house with central air we could get a pug. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think we'd have a house with central air (at least not our first house!) yet that's exactly what happened so I knew I had to make good on the "pug promise" (which is what I did). The night that Albert passed, after everyone was in bed, I went into the kitchen to turn out the light above the stove. And there, at the door, I swear I saw Albert looking at me as if he needed to be let out. I caught my breath. "How could it be?" I thought and it was then I realize that it was his soul leaving the house. It was a final good-bye from that sweet boy of mine. I opened the door and out he went.

So just like the experience of letting Albert's soul go, the interaction with Jake on Wednesday night was indeed a powerful one. I am grateful for both experiences even if they will forever tug at my heartstrings. xo 

1 comment:

  1. That's so beautiful, Shel. Thank you for sharing. You know how much my mom loved Jake! She still talks about him. He is such a lovely dog.
