
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Our Year In Review

Happy New Year's Eve, friends! The years seem to go by faster and faster all the time! It feels like just yesterday were just getting ready to welcome in 2019 and here we are jetting ready to bid is adieu!.

Today during lunch Grace and I were chatting about how 2019 was a good year for our family, though it left lots to be desired for our country. There were some challenging spots for our family, some sad times, some disappointments (and some more recent than others) but on the whole, at the end of the day, it truly was another really good year for the four of us who reside in this sweet, old farmhouse that we love so dear.

Family-wise, 2019 saw both girls competing and then making the dance team again this past August. It also saw me, once again competing (and doing a fitness photo shoot with the amazing Angelica about a week later. Pictures to come). It saw Dave becoming a Ranger at Wachusett and spending his winter Sundays at the mountain. 2019 saw me say "good-bye" to one church job and "hello" to another (with a much larger, much more vibrant, congregation) and it saw the girls join a wonderful Waldorf co-op with some of the sweetest mamas and daughters you can imagine.

One of the big highlights of this year was watching the girls choreograph the most beautiful dance (in under two weeks, no less!) for Youth Sunday at church. That is truly a moment I will absolutely treasure and carry with me forever.

In 2019 Emma turned eleven and we spent the entirety of her day doing all the things she loves best. It was a truly perfect way to celebrate her! And then, later in the year, we  gained a teenager in our family when Grace turned thirteen!  I find this impossible to believe since I am only twenty-five (a fact that both girls like to remind me is not true)! But seriously, these thirteen years have gone by way too quickly. I am so grateful that I've been able to spend every day of each one of those thirteen years with that sweet soul (and her equally as sweet sister). It has truly been an incredible blessing!

Some dreams were realized this year when we took a girls trip to the tulip farm in the spring, and then when we finally did family pictures outside in the autumn! Thank you Liz for capturing our family so beautifully! Twenty-nineteen saw Grace getting her first pair of pointe shoes. And it's like I watched her grow up right before my eyes that day....

And of course, twenty-nineteen will always be remembered at The Year of the Thirty-Six Aprons! Thanks Aunt Gail!

The last couple of months of 2019 allowed us to remember what it was like to have a dog in the house. 

And so tonight, as we toast with proseco (for us) and egg nog (for the girls) and enjoy Chinese food and almond cake (per usual) and introduce the girls to Star Wars* we reflect on the year that has passed and set some intentions for the year ahead. We wish all of you a wonderful New Year's Eve and a sweet and healthy and blessed 2020! xo

*edited to add: they absolutely loved it!

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Scenes From Christmas By Candlelight

On Friday we met Dave's parents at Old Sturbridge Village for Christmas by Candlelight. It was a busy night and not very wintry feeling but it was lovely nonetheless. This was easily the latest we have ever gone (we usually go the first Friday that Christmas by Candlelight takes place. These are the only pictures I took that night but they capture three of my most favorite parts! xo 

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Last Saturday Morning Of 2019

In which Grace and Emma assemble the ballet barre that Grandma Joan and Grandpa Ron gave them for Christmas! xo 

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

On Christmas Morning

Since we attended the late Christmas Eve service  our Christmas morning had a late start due to everyone sleeping in. 
 As is their tradition they began with sister gifts. 
 A much wished for puzzle. 
A blank book made from a Ghirardeli dessert box. 
 Stockings were next, with Grace discovering a doll she saw at the Waldorf School holiday faire. 
 And Emma discovering she has one too! 
 Emma's "something you want gift" was a much wished for glow mold. She has wanted one for two or three years now and when we saw them at Michael's Dave and I knew that we had to make that dream a reality. Next up: finding her a vintage one. 
 Santa gifts. 
 Always something wooden, and always something of his choosing. 
 The Queen has arrived. 
 Love these sweet Santa gifts. 
 Opening her "something you need" gift. 
 A carrying strap for her skis and poles and dark chocolate mint Kit Kat's from the UK. 
 Opening her "something to wear" gift. 
 Pausing gift opening for first breakfast. 
Homemade cinnamon rolls and egg nog from our favorite dairy farm, of course.  
 Opening her "something you want" gift. 
 More embroidery kits. 
 "Something to read".
 By the time these two are grown they are truly going to have the most amazing collection of books ever (and, actually, they already do)! 
 Opening her "something to wear" gift. 
 A new robe. 
 And the final gift of the morning. Her "something to read" gift. 
Wishing those celebrating today the happiest of Christmases! We hope all your wishes and dreams have come true, and that you are spending the day with those you hold most dear! From our family to yours, Merry Christmas! xo