
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Our Year In Review

It's hard to believe that it's already time to write our year in review post! It seems like just yesterday I was writing the post to sum up our twenty-sixteen, and yet here I am already reflecting on twenty-seventeen. Gosh, that year went by fast (and yet on another hand felt like it lasted for an entire decade, too).

For us as a family, twenty-seventeen was a stellar year! And while I knew this, seeing it all as I put our "2017 in Review" Flipigram together last night made me realize just how truly incredible a year it was. We watched with pride as Grace and the mini team participated in their first dance competitions (and rocked it! Even winning in their age group for their jazz dance at the second comp)! We found ourselves standing up (and marching) for things that are important to us. I shall carry with me sight of the sea of pink hats and the wonderful energy of the Women's March in Boston for the rest of my days. My only regret is that David and the girls weren't there too. We wrote letters and signed petitions and attended the March for Science in Boston as a family. We participated in vigils and made sure that the world knows that we welcome all and that "Hate Has No Home Here" (just in case that wasn't already clear).

We celebrated birthdays (including a big one- David's 40th) and anniversaries (15 years and still going strong) and so many other milestones and accomplishments. The girls said "good-bye" to one Girl Scout troop and "hello" to another. They went to sleep away camp Grace became a Rainbow Girl. Emma, joined the ranks of the Junior Deacons (finally, officially). We built eclipse viewers and watched in awe as the moon covered the sun. And, of course, we kept living, learning, laughing and loving together in this sweet, old farmhouse of ours! We wouldn't have it any other way (well, unless we could move this sweet, old farmhouse of ours to a small town like Berlin, then maybe we would)! The most exciting part of twenty-seventeen was finally going on our long awaited  Disney Cruise! And it was even more magical and incredible than we expected!

And so, this brings to a close our seventh year of  sharing our many adventures and daily goings-on with all of you. We offer many thanks to those who have supported us, encouraged us, and loved us this year (and always). You all make this journey (and the world) so much sweeter. Thank you for loving our little family and enjoying our many adventures. We are truly grateful.

Happy last day of twenty-seventeen, friends! We wish you a wonderful night and a blessed new year! xo

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