Friday, October 19, 2018

Yesterday At Boston Ballet

 Yesterday, the girls and I journied in to Boston to attend a behind the scenes tour at Boston Ballet
 The building is absolutely gorgeous! It's five floors and houses not only Boston Ballet but the Boston Ballet School as well. Here, our tour guide takes us into one of the studio spaces The floor is bouncy (and they bring it with them to the Opera House) and the views are spectacular! 
 The Gumboots are a dance group from South Africa and we were fortunate enough to be able to peek in as they were giving a master class for the BB2 dancers yesterday. 
 One of the views of Boston from the company lounge. There they have a kitchen, area to relax, access to the physical therapy department, their mailboxes and various other files. 
 They also have this incredible view of the studio space below (which is the space they use for BB2 performances, as well as for rehearsing shows before they head over to the Opera House. 
 One final peek at The Gumboots before heading down to the costume department. 
 Costume makers hard at work. 
 Howard was a company dancer with the Boston Ballet for many years before joining the costume department (where he serves as the costume shop coordinator). He gave us a wonderful tour of the various areas and answered many questions. 
 Each item is made by hand. 
 Pointe shoe inside dancers' lockers. 

The shoe coordinator can put them in the lockers and the dancers can access them from the other side (regardless if  the shoe coordinator is there or not). 
Many thanks to Dianne and Sarah Bickford for inviting us along on this incredible adventure! We had a fabulous time! xo

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