Sunday, May 26, 2024

Summer Begins.....NOW!


Oh how wonderful it was to be back to being a homeschool family! It took us a little bit to find out groove again (as homeschooling high school is a different vibe) but once we did it was as if we never took that two year break from it! The girls had an amazing year and grew so much as learners and as people. We saw their confidence return (especially Emma's) and the color come back to their learning and their days. While Parker definitely served its purpose (and Grace made some incredible friends) on the whole it just was not the right place for either of these sweet souls. It has been such a joy to see them return to being the learners that they were pre-Parker and I cannot wait to see what next year brings (though I am really not ready for it to be Grace's senior year either! Gracious, these years went by fast)! xo  

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