Sunday, January 12, 2025

Getting Ready for the Winter Showcase

I had to run to Target to get the girls a couple of things for the winter showcase today and saw this as I was coming up the stairs. 

I couldn't resist taking a few pictures.

Though as I did, I realized something....
My work here is done. 
No longer am I needed to do hair, make-up or costume changes. 
Instead, I get to sit back and marvel at the two incredible young women they have become, 
the friendship they share, and their love of dance. 
It's been an incredible ride with these two, and I have loved every moment of it (yes, even the challenging parts). And while I know that my work here isn't really done, in a way it is. Getting to see all I had hoped and dreamed for them becoming reality, getting to see the fruits of the love and magic that was poured into them become *this* really is something that is hard to put into words. There's a sense of pride in a job well done (the onlly job I have ever truly felt was what I was meant to do) along with a sense of sadness that retirement from my most favorite job in the whole wide world is not far off.  But what remains is gratitude. Gratitude for their strong bond to eachother, as well as to David and I. Gratitude for all that we got to expreince together all these years. Gratitude that we chose the path less traveled by and that it has made all the difference. xo
And here it is. The last time David will ever steam a costume for Grace for the winter show...

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Snow Cream!

We had our first proper snowfall today which lead Grace to declare that we needed to make snow crea for dessert! She harvested some snow and whipped up a batch! It was the perfect way to end the day! xo 

Friday, January 10, 2025

Thursday, January 9, 2025

This Evening


In which Dave checks out the menu at Medusa during our date this evening. xo 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

One Down....


First college app submitted, three to go! Wellesley was due today and the other three (Mount Holyoke, Smith and Emerson) are all do next Wednesday. The confetti to "celebrate" what a nice touch (thanks, CommonApp)! xo 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Sunrise Yesterday


For once, I feel like the camera on my phone accurately captured the gorgeousness of sunrise! xo 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

A Tale As Old As Time

This letter from my Aunt Gail arrived the other day.  

And with it this sweet story writtten by my great-grandfather/the girls great-great grandfather. 
How incredible to get to see his handwritting and drawing and read the words he wrote to his children (my grandfather and his sisters) one hundred years ago! 
This is easily one of the best Christmas gifts we have ever recieved! 
Thank you, Aunt Gail! We are so impressed that you were able to transcribe this story and are very grateful you shared it with us!
Wishing you a most delightful new year! xo